It has been quite a year for Nigerian e-courier startup Metro Africa Express (MAX), which only formally launched in August…
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South African startups must acquire more new customers to sustain themselves given the stagnant growth of the economy, but doing…
There are more than 8.5 million South Africans that are members of stokvels, savings and investment societies to which members…
Nigerian startup QuickGas has successfully completed piloting its e-commerce platform for cooking gas in the northern city of Jos, with…
Entrepreneurs in East Africa lack the support and time to bring their innovative ideas to fruition, and so government and…
Tanzanian micro-health insurance startup Jamii is heading to the global final of the Seedstars World competition next year. But the…
South Africa needs to introduce and enhance initiatives aimed at ingraining entrepreneurship into its culture to drive future economic growth.…
Support for small and medium businesses needs to be a key plank of the Nigerian government’s policy for carrying the…
From drones to apps, there are startups across Africa trying to fix the continent’s transportation problems. The size of the…
Understanding legal requirements and risks can be challenging at the best of times, whether in a personal capacity, or when…