Green Pioneer accelerator applications close December 1


Applications for the Green Pioneer accelerator programme in Nairobi, Kenya, must be submitted by Monday, December 1, with successful startups joining the programme in January.

The programme was announced at the Seed Africa Symposium 2014 in Nairobi in September, and is aimed at green entrepreneurs looking to scale their innovations.

Applicants must have either a working prototype with clear market demand or already be generating revenue, with entrepreneurs from across Africa invited to apply. The programme is a joint initiative of Impact Amplifier, Growth Africa, VC4Africa and Hivos, which will US$125,000 in financial capital available to the best companies.

“The curriculum we have put together looks at a company in a holistic way, and we take a non-linear approach to the entrepreneurial process. We recognize that each company is unique in its formation and The Green Pioneer Accelerator programme looks at the strengths and weaknesses of each participant and then adapts the programme to fit their needs. This is a different approach that shows results.” Johnni Kjelsgaard, chief executive officer (CEO) of Growth Africa.

The accelerator commences on January 15 at GrowthAfrica.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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