SA launches 2nd startup survey


A second startup survey has been launched in South Africa, with Silicon Cape and the SiMODiSA Association looking to summarise the entrepreneurial community’s views for government stakeholders.

Representatives from Silicon Cape and SiMODiSA are attending the Innovation Bridge conference hosted by the Department of Science and Technology next week, where they will present findings from the Startup SA Government Support Survey.

“On Tuesday morning we have the opportunity to influence their thinking on how best to support entrepreneurs – change programmes, influence legislation, change administration of programmes, add new programmes…” Silicon Cape said.

“To effectively do this, we need to summarise the entrepreneurial community’s most valuable input to Government stakeholders. We Need Your Help. Please invest 10 minutes of your time so we can represent your needs!!

It is the second startup survey to be launched in South Africa in a week, after entrepreneurial training programme Seed Academy launched its own, aimed at obtaining a picture of the country’s startup sector and the challenges it faces.

The survey targets startup entrepreneurs who have been in business for less than five years, with those that participate entered to win one of three places at Seed Academy’s entrepreneur training programme.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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