New Maramoja taxi app launches in Nairobi


Taxi app Maramoja has launched in Nairobi, Kenya, extending the Uber-type model to other forms of transport while leveraging on social networks.

A finalist at last year’s PIVOT East competition, Maramoja allows users to request transport via web or mobile, including motorcycle taxis, 4x4s and luxury vehicles.

Drivers are recommended based on personal preferences and reviews from people within the user’s network.

“We set out to build a company and a service that would transform Nairobi’s taxi market. We quickly learned that Nairobi doesn’t have a taxi market – but a taxi culture – with values like trust, relationships, referrals, and loyalty,” Maramoja said.

“We, Nairobians, want to ride with and drive for the people we know and the people we know we can trust. This is why we founded Maramoja – to bring you a personal fleet of drivers, so you can always find a trusted ride.”


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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