LIVE: PIVOT East pitches: Society and Governance category


East African mobile startup pitching competition PIVOT East is taking place in Nairobi, Kenya, today, with 25 startups to pitch throughout the day, spanning five competition categories. Here Disrupt Africa introduces the five startups who pitched in the society and governance category.


The MySecurity app was developed by Kenyan ICT company Masterclass, and is a crowdsourced database of security information.

The app aims to act as a prevention to crime, by providing pertinent security information, and digitising the crime reporting process.

The founders are targeting reaching 5,000 users around Kenya’s counties by the end of the year; and are seeking to raise US$200,000 for product enhancement. While the app is currently only available on Android, the founders wish to use the funding to roll out iOS, Windows Phone, and USSD versions.


Bookex is addressing obstacles to access to textbooks for school students, through its online book exchange.

Users send an online request for a specific textbook, and offer a book in exchange. For a small fee Bookex delivers the book, and picks up the traded in book. In this way, the startup is cutting the cost of school materials, and improving the affordability of school materials.

Launched in February 2015, the startup has already started receiving orders for books, and is currently looking for partners to help with the logistical and transactional sides of the business.


Ugandan startup Feedback-RT is looking to improve HIV and AIDS awareness and education through an interactive puzzle game.

The game also features multiple choice questions on HIV and AIDS, providing real-time feedback as to the correct answer and additional information.

Having spent the last six months prototyping and gathering feedback from test users, the startup is set to roll out its Android version in August.  Early next year, it intends to roll out the game in local languages, and in the second quarter of 2016 an antenatal care version will also be launched.

The startup is seeking US$25,000 for product development and marketing, and is also looking for mentors to help in the development and roll out of the game.


Arifu is a digital content marketplace, aimed at helping large companies deliver effective training to help upskill individuals working with the organisation.

The varied training materials available on Arifu are delivered via interative SMS-based learning, accessed by learners anywhere via mobile.

The startup claims its platform costs employers 0.5 per cent of the cost of providing physical training sessions.

Arifu is already earning US$80,000 in revenues, expects to break even by the end of the year, and projects US$1.5 million earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) by the end of next year.

The startup today announced a seed round, seeking US$500,000 in convertible debt or equity.


Politik is an interactive social platform focused on politics, with the intention of encouraging interaction between politicians and the youth across Kenya.

Politicians create their own profile on the platform, and showcase their work, upload data, and campaing and fundraise via the platform. Youth users can interact with the politicians and comment on their work, and current issues through the platform.

To date, Politik has seen 90 per cent month on month growth in usage of the platform, and plans to launch officially in August 2015.

The startup is looking to raise US$100,000 for product development and customer acquisition, and is also looking for mentors in politics and product development.

Check out the five startups that pitched in the entertainment category here, and the startups in the utilities category here.


Inspired and excited by the African tech entrepreneurial scene, Gabriella spends her time travelling around the continent to report on the most innovative tech startups, the most active investors, and the latest trends emerging in the ecosystem.

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