Sw7 Showcase: Encentivize


The Sw7 showcases profile the emerging technology business that Sw7 believes will go big, or make a significant impact in the market. Encentivize has been developed by Martin Naude, helping organisations make informed decisions with data.

What is it?

Encentivize is a behavioural ecosystem that provides an end-to-end solution to drive positive change in an employee and customer base. With defined solution sets, Encentivize provides qualitative and quantitative metrics coupled with defined behavioural interventions to drive organisational objectives.

Why Encentivize?

The traditional rewards and recognition space focuses on providing stuff and expecting people to be loyal or engaged. Encentivize changes the approach by using a behavioural model to reward and recognise people for the actual change in behaviour based on the activities they’re performing.

We provide the end-to-end platform, from measurement through to redemption underpinned by models devised by our Industrial Psychologists to match a wide range of industries and target groups. This pre-packaged, cloud based solution allows for clients to get going and rapidly see measurable differences.

Tech Stack

Encentivize is really a collection of defined services that we combine to provide the solution verticals. This micro-service approach allows us flexibility to meet customer requirements while keeping a solution that scales in terms of users and features. Our open approach also allows for partners to build solutions on top our platform as well as create solutions that can be utilised in our ecosystem.

In terms of deep tech, we’re a polyglot whereby the best technology for the problem we’re trying to solve is used. We use .Net, NodeJS, Mongo, SQL Server, Neo4J all on the Microsoft Azure platform.

What is the secret sauce?

There’s 3 main things that make us great:

  1. The Team – The team behind Encentivize is world class and draws from deep experience in the HR, financial services, partner management and technology spaces.
  2. Our Approach – Changing the conversation from loyalty, rewards and recognition to one of what is the actual behaviour you want to drive is our differentiator. The model that underpins this idea has allowed us to create measurable results for our customers and move the industry to the next level.
  3. Our Ecosystem – Our open approach and platform allows partners to increase their revenue by working with us building out a vibrant community.

Keith Jones, co-founder at Sw7, says: “In the increasing competitive and changing markets, looking after, and getting value from, your largest ​corporate asset, your staff, is no longer a nice to have. Employee engagement is top of mind for most businesses, and creating a solution that is market leading and then scaling it to secure over 130,000 active users shows the Encentivise team have got a lot of things right. The platform play and partnering approach to the market means that Encentivise should become very disruptive in this sector, locally and abroad.”


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