Viola Llewellyn to speak at Wilton Park Conference: context and objectives, setting the ambition


LONDON, UK – It was confirmed today that Viola Llewellyn, Chief Operations Officer of Ovamba Solutions, Inc. has been invited to speak on a panel at the prestigious Wilton Park conference The conference will take place on Thursday the 29th of October 2015 at Wilton House in West Sussex England.  The programme is part of the ‘Week of Women’ summit, organized jointly by “Wilton Park” and “Women of the Future” and supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom.

Ms. Llewellyn will be participating on a panel entitled “Setting the Ambition” and aims to contextualize and define objectives for female participation in political and economic spheres – women are a critical yet largely undervalued resource.  Joining Ms. Llewellyn on this panel are, Sue Lawton of WIPP (Women Impacting Public Policy International) and an as yet to be confirmed senior director from Morgan Stanley.

“We are moving into an era where women have to define for themselves where best they wish to place themselves globally”, Viola Llewellyn said.  She also added, “Wherever there is a decision or impact to be made, where economies are affected and strategy is crucial…that is where we [women]should be.  This is not a ‘nice to have’, it is a pressing imperative and we need initiatives that will train and support women so that they can seamlessly move into these position”.

This Wilton Park roundtable will allow participants from a range of countries and stakeholder groups to examine the current level of engagement in different regions; will identify where action could be taken to deliver results most quickly; and will evaluate the potential impact of increased empowerment of women and girls in politics and the economy.




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