Tanzanian startups lead the way pitching at Slush 2015


Tanzania is the best represented country amongst the 26 African tech startups pitching at the annual Slush event in Helsinki, Finland, with 11 companies attending the event.

Slush is an annual non-profit event organised by a community of entrepreneurs, investors, students and music festival organisers. This year’s event, which began yesterday, is welcoming 15,000 enthusiastic visitors, including over 700 investors and 1,700 startups.

Africa is represented by 26 startups, with Tanzania leading the way with 11 attendees. There are four Nigerian companies, three from South Africa, two each from Kenya and Ethiopia, and single attendees from Egypt, Senegal, Ghana and Uganda.

The Tanzanian startups are Medroid, Gongali, Kasole Secrets, Tango TV, Magilatech, Agrinfo, Guumzo, Our Cries, STICLAB, Shule Direct and Jamii Power, while Nigeria is represented by Jekalo, Pair, Talking Bookz and Orbi.

South Africa has sent GEM, hearScreen and codeX, Kenya is represented by Sifasafi Solutions and eSoma, and the Ethiopian startups are Straw Build and AhadooTec. Dashsoft (Egypt), Leti Arts (Ghana), BrainShare (Uganda) and Somtou (Senegal) complete the lineup.

The Slush organisers have said, to provide an even better Slush experience, certain changes and improvements have been made for the 2015 event made compared to previous years.

“The tracks are clearer, easier paths to follow. There are more interactive sessions such as roundtables, and networking with industry-focus. Also, there are almost twice the amount of side-events and parties during the Slush week compared to last year, and we of course hope you can attend as many as possible!”, said Riku Mäkelä, chief executive officer (CEO) of Slush.

The organisers have also attempted to make the event increasingly international, with the two days to see visitors from more than 100 countries.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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