Decelerate your startup on a Spanish island


Submissions are open to join the third cohort of the Menorca Millennials programme, claiming to be the world’s first decelerator.

The Menorca Millennials programme aims to decelerate – deconstruct and assess – participating startups’ models and strategies, with a view to unlocking their next stage of growth.

20 startups selected from around the world will be invited to the Spanish island of Menorca for a two-week intensive bootcamp to be held in June, where they will participate in workshops, one-on-one sessions with experts and investors, and informal networking opportunities.

Bringing together entrepreneurs, experts and investors, the programme aims to create an environment of analysis and collaboration, and to support developing startups in re-assessing their business models in preparation for a heightened growth phase.

The programme also focuses on being valuable for participating investors, by offering the opportunity to conduct a “human due diligence” through meeting the team behind the companies, and evaluating their skills and capabilities.

The 15 day bootcamp concludes with a three-day investor showcase, with global investors and VCs flying to the island to meet with the entrepreneurs.

The unique methodology focuses on enhancing the establishment of personal relations between entrepreneurs and investors, the assessment of entrepreneurs’ management and executive skills, and the evaluation of potential business relations with investors.

“Menorca Millennials searches for the best international talent, that is, entrepreneurs and startups from all over the world. We would love startups from all the continents to apply to join the third edition of the programme, and to have the best variety of provenances, and sectors,” said Marcos Martin, co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) at Menorca Millennials.

“Menorca Millennials allows entrepreneurs to deeply discuss their projects with key figures of the global economic and entrepreneurial ecosystem. The participation of startups from different continents enriches the perspective, as it is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs, experience makers and investors to get to know different environments, which may be vital for the future of the startup.”

The programme is open to startups from anywhere in the world, as long as they can show some traction, with a minimum viable product (MVP).

Applicants should be able to demonstrate innovation solutions based on disruptive technologies, and aim to operate globally, solving problems in target markets worth over EUR1 billion (US$1.06 billion).

The organisers prefer startups led by second-time entrepreneurs.

Participants of the first two editions of Menorca Millennials have gone on to raise funds in excess of EUR27 million (US$28.65 million), and one has achieved an exit.

Applications are open here, until March 15.



Inspired and excited by the African tech entrepreneurial scene, Gabriella spends her time travelling around the continent to report on the most innovative tech startups, the most active investors, and the latest trends emerging in the ecosystem.

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