Nigeria’s techAboki launches on-demand gadget repair service


Nigerian startup techAboki has launched an on-demand gadget repair service aimed at connecting people needing gadget repair services with trusted, reliable and professional technicians in their locality.

Launched over the weekend, techAboki is the brainchild of founder George Alonge, who observed that there was a poor maintenance culture when it came to gadgets, with people ending up with unusable electronics and forced to purchase new ones.

“The fear of road-side gadget technicians is another factor that inspired techAboki. Many people find it difficult to entrust their gadgets to random technicians due to some unpleasant experiences,” Alonge told Disrupt Africa.

“Chief among them are confidentiality violations and low quality of service. techAboki aims to correct this by becoming a trustworthy platform and building a reliable service both for the customers and the technicians.”

All technicians listed on the platform have undergone a test for trustworthiness by techAboki. Clients can book for a gadget fix on the website, over the phone or via a mobile app, receiving a quote for the cost of the repair. They can either pay online or opt to pay on delivery after the gadget has been fixed. techAboki also offers pickup and delivery services.

The startup is currently bootstrapping, but seeking investment.

“The lack of external funding and assistance can be a personal handicap, making us work extra hours and sometimes sleepless nights, but we are optimistic that there is light at the end of the tunnel. We are trying to fix a problem that exists and that makes us happy,” Alonge said.

techAboki, which charges 15 per cent of the cost of every successful repair, has already seen a number of successful fixes completed through the platform, and plans to expand its range of services over time.

“Currently, we are starting operations in selected cities in Nigeria, to test out our model and make adjustments where needed, before expanding nationwide and, with adequate funds, expanding to other countries in Africa,” Alonge said.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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