New accelerator launched for tech startups in Abuja


Applications have opened for the Abuja-based Civic Accelerator Programme (CAP), a three-month initiative that supports early-stage Nigerian enterprises with solutions to critical social issues.

The programme – an initiative of the recently launched Civic Innovation Lab – will enable entrepreneurs to launch innovative and scalable social ventures.

Applications are open until September 4, with the programme designed to be a tool for development, growth and support for early-stage startups. It will provide value through training, consultancy, and productivity management strategies.

“The Civic Accelerator Programme is for early-stage ventures who have groundbreaking solutions to social and civic problems. We are looking for creative teams with innovative technology solutions that addresses our common problems as a society,” the Civic Innovation Lab said.

Ventures must have business models built around providing solutions to social, cultural or environmental problems, and be innovative and scalable businesses whose solution utilises a digital or technological element.

The programme will also offer access to networks, office space, the chance for peer learning, access to the Civic Innovation Lab team, a number of workshops, and access to investors.

The three-month programme will culminate with a pitching session at a Demo Day, where finalists will be offered access to the Civic Innovation Lab’s networks, connecting them to potential investors, partners and mentors.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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