ASENTI entrepreneurship events set for Uganda, SA


The African Summit on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ASENTI) is to take place for the fourth year running, this time scaling up to host two events in Uganda and South Africa.

Disrupt Africa reported the last three editions of ASENTI took place in Nairobi, Kenya, with the aim of encouraging entrepreneurs to interact with other stakeholders.

This year, ASENTI will host two events in order to accommodate more entrepreneurs in different regions of the continent – with one event to be held in Kampala, Uganda on October 24-26, and one in Johannesburg, South Africa, on November 9-11.

The summit takes the theme of “Rethinking innovation in Africa”, and hopes to bring together over 500 delegates at each event, comprising entrepreneurs, innovators, business leaders, corporates and financial institutions. The summit aims to encourage the exchange of ideas, discussion of trends, and for delegates to network and forge new partnerships.

The keynote speaker for the Ugandan event has already been announced as Patrick Bitature, Ugandan entrepreneur and businessman; founder and chairman of the Simba Group.

ASENTI will also feature a startups competition, known as Pitch Africa, with selected startups to to pitch their businesses live to the audience for the chance to win a place on ASENTI’s acceleration initiative: Startup Campus Academy – a three month programme featuring mentoring and workshops run by experts from partner organisations.

Registration to the Ugandan Summit is here, and to the South African Summit, here.  Application to Pitch Africa is here.



Inspired and excited by the African tech entrepreneurial scene, Gabriella spends her time travelling around the continent to report on the most innovative tech startups, the most active investors, and the latest trends emerging in the ecosystem.

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