Zimbabwean crypto exchange Golix expands to SA


Zimbabwean cryptocurrencies exchange Golix has partnered blockchain hub and incubator BlockStarters to expand into South Africa.

Known as BitFinance until its rebranding last year, Golix has been experiencing steady uptake of its services and has been adding new ways for customers to withdraw and deposit.

The move into South Africa is a strategic one, and part of Golix’s initiatives to expand its services to the rest of the continent. It comes through a partnership with BlockStarters, a crypto and blockchain hub and incubator that assists startups in realising their full potential.

The hub will help Golix smoothly integrate into the South African cryptocurrencies space and meet with like minded startups.

“This is a positive and a promising move. The crypto and blockchain hub and incubator is set to be a huge learning platform for Golix in an all new different environment. During this period the hub will be more of a compass to us as navigate into a new market factoring in the cost of exploring new depths like this. Also we believe that South Africa is the best place because of its vibrant economy which, like Zimbabwe, has also interest in cryptocurrencies,” said Golix’s product manager Yeukai Kusangaya.

BlockStarters co-founder Kreaan Singh said Blockstarters had been created to bring together the very best in the crypto and blockchain industry.

“We want startups to grow together, and to inspire one another to create innovative solutions for Africa. How better to do this than to bring everyone under one roof? We the BlockStarters founders have been involved in the industry since 2013, and now live much of our lifestyles off cryptocurrencies. Companies like Golix will one day help millions of other people to do the same,” he said.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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