Meet the Investor: Zandre Campos, ABO Capital


Angola isn’t a regular starting point for many African investors, but it is home for Zandre Campos, chief executive officer (CEO) of ABO Capital.

Previously in oil and telecoms, Campos started Angola Capital Investments, now Africa Business Opportunities (ABO) Capital, with a mission to create global value for developing countries in Africa.

“I started the company with several close business associates who were just as passionate as myself about bringing excellence to Africa. Since the company was founded, we have grown and are now investing in companies in the healthcare, energy, transportation, hospitality, education, technology and real estate sectors throughout the world,” Campos said.

Though his investments are global, Campos is bullish about what is in store for his home country in 2018.

“Recently, there was a visa facilitation between Angola and China that opens channels between the two countries. This will encourage business and investment in Angola from China. My hope is that similar agreements between other countries will be made to encourage even more investment in Angola,” he said.

Tech companies that ABO has invested in include Uncharted Power, the startup power company founded by Nigerian entrepreneur Jessica Matthews. Campos said the tech space in Africa was finally coming into its own.

However, African startups typically lack financial support.

“Startups, especially startups in Africa, usually require long-term financial support to create a secure business foundation and adapt to new challenges,” he said.

“Supporting entrepreneurs in Africa is especially important because they are our future. They are the ones who will provide solutions that currently plague our economy, and could be the solution for problems that do not exist yet.”

He believes Africa’s young entrepreneurial spirit is flourishing, and it is imperative startups receive as much support as possible so they can continue moving the continent forward.

Luckily, Campos feels there is strong interest in investing in Africa these days.

“There are three positive indicators that favour investment in Africa: a young and growing population, money to spend and a love for brands, and an economy that is getting stronger and more diverse. Investors are beginning to take notice of Africa’s economic potential,” he said.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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