Seedstars World opens applications for Morocco event


Global seed-stage startup competition Seedstars World has opened applications for its event in Casablanca, Morocco, with the winner earning the right to pitch at the global final next year for the chance to secure up to US$1 million in funding.

Seedstars World, which this year picked an African winner in the form of Ghanaian startup AgroCenta at the final in Switzerland, has already picked local winners in Egypt and Tunisia, and is also heading to a host of other African cities as well as other emerging markets.

Its pitch event in Casablanca will take place on July 6 at La Factory, with applications open here until June 15. Seedstars is looking for startups that are less than two years old, have raised less than US$500,000 in funding, and have built a minimum viable product, ideally with existing traction.

The Seedstars team is searching for one additional criterion: the startup’s regional and global scalability. A total of 10 startups will be selected to pitch at the event for the chance to compete at the Seedstars Summit.

Last year’s Moroccan edition was won by advertising startup Hooplacar.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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