Solveathon to find digital ID solutions set for Cape Town


The World Bank’s ID4D (Identification for Development) initiative is set to host the inaugural Mission Billion Challenge Solveathon in Cape Town on January 31, aiming to create new solutions addressing digital identification systems in developing countries.

Powered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Solve initiative (MIT Solve), Solveathon events are highly interactive design workshops focused on rapid ideation and refinement.

The inaugural event focuses on generating and refining ideas from the Cape Town community in response to the Mission Billion Challenge, which seeks solutions to the fact that over a billion people worldwide have no way to prove their identity.

The Solveathon will focus on the question: how can digital identification systems in developing countries be better designed or adapted to protect people’s privacy and empower them with greater control over their personal data?

Attendees will collaborate to create new solutions throughout the morning; participants are not required to be working on an idea in advance of the workshop – those with interest and expertise in the Challenge question are welcome to join the event.

Registration is available here.  The event takes place January 31, from 9am to 1.30pm, at the Woodstock Exchange in Cape Town.


Inspired and excited by the African tech entrepreneurial scene, Gabriella spends her time travelling around the continent to report on the most innovative tech startups, the most active investors, and the latest trends emerging in the ecosystem.

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