E-health startup Teheca named winner of Seedstars Ugandan event


E-health startup Teheca has been named winner of the Ugandan leg of the global Seedstars World competition, booking its spot at the global final and the chance to pitch for up to US$500,000 in equity investment.

Seed-stage startup competition for emerging markets Seedstars World is selecting national winners from all over the world, including around 30 African countries, and will bring them together at the Seedstars Summit in Switzerland next year to compete for funding and a host of other prizes.

It has already chosen winners in Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Angola, The Gambia, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cape Verde, Tunisia, Malawi, Cameroon and Mauritius, and held its Ugandan event last Friday at the end of Kampala Innovation Week.

Nine startups pitched at the event, with Teheca named the winner.  The startup, founded in 2015, is focused on reducing the mortality rates of mothers and infants in developing countries through increasing the uptake of postnatal care services, while providing alternative income sources for health workers.

Its app connects new mothers to nurses for hospital and in-home post-birth care and support, while the startup also makes and sells the prepared mama bag, a kit that contains all the essentials required for a clean and safe delivery.

Teheca, which took part in the first African edition of Google’s Launchpad accelerator last year, will now represent Uganda at Seedstars global final in Switzerland next year, while it also books a ticket to the Seedstars Africa regional summit in Johannesburg in December and receives three months access to an investment readiness programme.

Yunga Technologies, a security device that allows homes to protect each other, came second and Chap Chap Africa, which creates financial profiles for SMEs, was third.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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