Flights just became cheaper with this new mobile app


First of its kind. Now you can book the cheapest flights by using this new mobile app. Cheap Flights South Africa is a flight savings app. Whether you take regular domestic flights or the occasional international flight, this disruptive app makes sure you have the latest voucher codes at hand to get further discounts on cheap flights.

The app has a 5-star rating in Google Play and has partnered with well-known travel giant TravelStart. The app ensures that users can easily book and save on domestic and international flights. Anyone from any country can download and use the Cheap Flights South Africa app.

The app has a section called Flight Specials and in this section a list of current flight specials are displayed. The app also has a dedicated section called Voucher Codes where the latest valid Voucher Codes are displayed for use within the app. 

The benefit to you is it means if you buy flights on occasion you are likely to find the cheapest flights in this app as it consistently has specials and Voucher Codes available to be redeemed while booking in the app. 

The most recent offering by the Cheap Flights South Africa app was R200 off any domestic flight. This meant an already cheap flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town at R690 was now only R490 if booked through the app.

This remarkable mobile app is free to download from Google Play and will save you thousands on your domestic and international flights. 

Be sure to download the app, keep it on your phone and wait for the notifications of flight specials. Then go browse and book a flight within the app whenever you need to find the cheapest flights available in South Africa. 

Competition – Win By Downloading Cheap Flights South Africa

Download the app, write a review and be automatically entered into a random draw to win R1000 cash. Competition closes 30 November 2019 and the winner will be contacted via their review of the app on Google Play. Terms & Conditions Apply. This competition is in no way associated with Disrupt Africa.


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