Deep Dive Africa tour to encourage investments in Ghanaian, Nigerian startups


The inaugural Deep Dive Africa Tour kicks off this week, taking European investors to Ghana and Nigeria to explore early-stage startup investments.

Put together by Impact Hub Accra and Make-IT in Africa, the Deep Dive Africa tour begins in Accra on November 27 and culminates in Lagos on December 4.

Its aim is to connect Ghanaian and Nigerian entrepreneurs, many of whom are working on innovative solutions to major challenges but are starved of funding, with European investors looking for new deals and that see Africa as an emerging and potentially interesting market.

The tour is expected to help these investors better navigate Africa, create a soft landing, and de-risk their involvement in markets like Ghana and Nigeria. Investors joining the tour will be meeting startups in Accra, Kumasi, and Lagos, with sessions organised focused on helping investors understand the legal landscape of making investments in both markets. 

Investors will also take part in networking events with local investors and visit tech hubs to get a feeling for the local innovation scene. They will also have the chance to hold one-on-one meetings with selected startups.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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