East African startups invited to apply for travel tech accelerator


Applications have opened for the second edition of the Travel Tech for Good accelerator, which aims to help impact-driven tourism businesses to scale.

Organised by German NGO e.V. together with TUI Care Foundation and the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), the three-month Travel Tech for Good programme offers equity-free support for founders of impact-driven tourism businesses with a social or environmental focus across East Africa.

Six startups will be selected to participate in an intensive acceleration programme, which will take place in three hubs across East Africa. Local and international mentors alongside a network of tourism professionals will advise the entrepreneurs and their team throughout the acceleration phase. 

The programme ends with a Demo Day, where the founders pitch the results in front of an international jury. The winner will receive a cash reward and access to East African ecosystems and an international network of supporters and experts. 

Applications are open here until February 9.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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