8 startups selected for Tech Hub Harare incubation programme


Eight Zimbabwean startups have been selected for the incubation programme run by co-working space and innovation hub Tech Hub Harare, gaining access to mentorship and funding opportunities.

Disrupt Africa reported earlier this month on the launch of the programme, which Tech Hub Harare said aims to help develop tech-driven startups that solve problems in the communities they serve and beyond.

The virtual programme will help convert ideas into MVPs over a six-month period, taking in ideation, validation, product-market fit and business training. Startups receive cloud computing and business support, and will be allocated a mentor who will provide weekly feedback on their development.

Thirty-two applications were received, and now eight startups have been selected to take part. They include agri-tech startup Umojalands, e-health company Utano Health Services, educational access platform Amigo Solutions, and logistics startup Kutuma.

The list is completed by digital services startup Knight Social, student internships platform InternZim, farm productivity service Wananai, and retail-tech solution Mushambadzi.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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