UNICEF Innovation Fund seeks startups addressing digital risks to children


The UNICEF Innovation Fund is looking to invest in companies that are using machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain or extended reality to address digital risks to children, with selected companies to receive equity-free funding of up to US$100,000.

In partnership with the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and Giga, the UNICEF Innovation Fund wants startups with working, open-source prototypes showing promising results in addressing digital risk to children.

The risks the fund is aiming to address are content risks, where children are exposed to harmful or age-inappropriate content; contact risks, where children are subjected to harmful interactions with another human; conduct risks, which constitute harmful exchanges such as bullying or stalking; and contract risks, the exposure to inappropriate contractual relationships.

Startups with innovative tools addressing any of these risks are invited to apply, with projects to be assessed by the UNICEF Innovation Fund team and recommended for funding to the internal board. The full Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) document can be found here, and applications are open here until December 20.


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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