The LHoFT Foundation is excited to launch a special edition of CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa: Special edition in Dubai!


Building on the success of the 2018, 2020 and 2021 editions of CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa, we are excited to launch a special edition of CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa: special edition in Dubai focusing on the MENA region and delivered in Dubai.

CATAPULT is a series of Fintech development programs produced in-house by the LHoFT Foundation, Luxembourg’s dedicated Fintech hub.

This special edition of CATAPULT: Inclusion Africa will once again leverage Luxembourg’s Inclusive Finance and Fintech ecosystem to support selected firms in developing their businesses and achieving their inclusion goals.

In addition, firms will get unique exposure to the Dubai finance and Fintech ecosystem with the support of DIFC Fintech Hive Dubai.

The 3-day program will end with a pitching session and evening gala at the Luxembourg Pavilion at the World expo 2020, in the presence of Luxembourg’s Minister of Economy and Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, H.E. Franz Fayot.

Get involved: Application call open until 27th February 2022. 

More information here:


3 days training and networking Bootcamp, from March 21st to 23rd, run in Dubaï, for selected Fintech firms working to improve financial inclusion in Africa. 


The Bootcamp leverages both Luxembourg’s and Dubaï’s Inclusive Finance and Fintech ecosystem, in order to support the selected firms in developing their businesses and achieving their inclusion goals.


Connecting financial inclusion fintechs from MENA and Africa with key stakeholders like Microfinance Institutions, investors and industry experts. Learn how to become more efficient and effective in reaching underserved market segments.


Building on the success and experience of past editions and other financial inclusion programs, this unique program is aligned with the sustainability goals of Luxembourg’s financial centre. The program is fully funded by the Luxembourg Government.


Delivered in collaboration with key stakeholders from the microfinance finance, fintech and traditional finance sectors, from Luxembourg and Dubai.

As a leading financial centre in the Eurozone, the largest centre for microfinance in the EU, and recognised as one of the most innovative countries in the EU, Luxembourg is the ultimate European destination for Fintech to thrive. This acceleration program is designed to push ventures to new heights, enabling the Fintech companies to grow, develop, connect, and secure funding. 

Franz Fayot, minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs stated: “The program builds upon the success of Catapult: Inclusion Africa, a program enabling African start-ups to liaise with Luxembourg players in order to align common sustainability goals and promote financial inclusion.”

Nasir Zubairi, CEO of the LHoFT Foundation commented: “Luxembourg is a global leader in financial services and an international hub for microfinance and development. As the LHoFT, we act to drive innovation in financial services to ensure it best meets the needs of tomorrow. Catapult: Inclusion Africa is a key pillar of our strategy, bringing together inspiring entrepreneurs committed to developing the financial services of tomorrow, creating social change and delivering real impact. We are immensely grateful for the support of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Economy, the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, and all our strategic partners, for their amazing support in making this special edition of the program in Dubai a reality.”

Press Contacts 

Ministry of the Foreign & European Affairs 

Laura Valli

Tel.: (+352) 24 78 23 47

Mobile: +352 621 589 536

The LHoFT Foundation 

Christophe Regnault 

Mobile: +352 621 626 282


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