Nigerian investtech startup ComiBlock secures Expert Dojo funding


Nigerian investtech startup ComiBlock has secured an undisclosed amount of funding from Expert Dojo, a California-based growth accelerator, to help it scale.

Launched in February 2021, ComiBlock is a goal-based investing crypto robo-advisor that gives anyone with a smartphone access to planning tools, advice, curated and thematic crypto-portfolios.

Since its launch, the ComiBlock platform has amassed over US$420,000 in trade volume, and it now plans to scale even more quickly after securing funding from Expert Dojo, which has invested in over 200 companies around the globe. 

This new funding will enable ComiBlock to expand its operations and invest in product development as it builds to accelerate responsible crypto investing for people across frontier markets.

“Most crypto platforms are structured as an exchange and leave most retail users with a black box experience, which is unhealthy for many reasons. On top of that, most crypto exchanges see the average users as just an anonymised dollar value,” said ComiBlock co-founder and CEO Dennis Mary. 

“These black box experiences have promoted an irresponsible and toxic investing culture. We’re rebuilding it entirely. The exchange model is an old factory. ComiBlock is effectively a new factory. Our recent funding from Expert Dojo is another sign of the faith and trust that our customers, partners, and investors have in ComiBlock. We’re honoured that they’ve come on this journey with us.”


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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