Survey of female founders in African startup ecosystem reveals high levels of discrimination


A survey of female founders within the African tech startup ecosystem has revealed high levels of discrimination, with respondents reporting negative experiences with customers, employees and investors, as well as numerous unwanted sexual advances in the workplace.

The survey forms part of “Diversity Dividend: Exploring Gender Equality in the African Tech Ecosystem”, the 21st publication released by Disrupt Africa since it launched its research arm in 2016.

Powered by Madica, an Africa-focused pre-seed investment programme empowering underrepresented and underfunded mission-driven founders on the continent, and also supported by FirstCheck Africa, TLcom Capital, LoftyInc Capital Management, Google for Startups, RevUp Women by AfriLabs, iceaddis, the International Trade Centre, and Janngo Capital, the report lays bare the lack of gender diversity both within startup teams and funding rounds on the continent.

It also features the results of a survey of female founders on the continent, which produced some disturbing results. Let’s recap them below.

Have you perceived bias against you professionally because you are a woman?

A frankly terrifying 80.8 per cent of female founders said they had.

Do you feel you have lost any professional opportunities directly because of being a woman?

Fifty per cent said “yes”.

Has your professional position/responsibility ever been openly questioned because you are a woman?

Two-thirds of respondents said they had experienced this.

Have you experienced hesitation to interact with you from customers because you are a woman?

Depressingly, two-thirds of respondents said they had.

Have you ever felt disadvantaged or negatively impacted by being a woman when speaking to a potential investor?

Almost 70 per cent of respondents said they had, experiences which are somewhat confirmed by the funding data contained in the report (see here).

Have you experienced lack of cooperation or disrespect from (a) colleague(s) because you are a woman?

Almost three-quarters of female founders thought they had not been given due respect by colleagues!

Have you ever been asked if you have a male co-founder?

The old classic, with a predictable majority.

Have you ever received explicit/inappropriate comments from a male colleague or professional acquaintance?

The response to this question is quite scary, in all honesty.

Have you ever been subjected to sexual advances in the workplace/professional environment?

Only a small majority, but the fact is any majority at all must be of very serious concern.

What is the biggest obstacle you have faced as a female founder?

There are a number, but “access to funding” and a “sense of exclusion” rank highest.

To download the report for free, please go here, or email Gabriella on, or Tom on


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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