Five Days Left To Buy Into Bitcoin Minetrix’s $13 Million Presale Before Post-Halving Price Movements


Bitcoin Minetrix presale nears end ($13 million raised), offering chance to buy before potential Bitcoin price surge post-halving.

As the countdown to the conclusion of Bitcoin Minetrix’s presale ticks away, investors are presented with a final opportunity to participate in the pioneering stake-to-mine crypto token before the window closes. 

With just over five days remaining, the token has already raised an impressive $13 million, marking the culmination of a thirty-nine-round initial coin offering (ICO).

Until the conclusion of the ICO on Saturday, April 28, at 12:00 UTC, Bitcoin Minetrix ($BTCMTX) maintains a fixed price of $0.0148 per token. 

This fixed price presents investors with a clear opportunity to acquire the token at a set valuation before potential post-halving price movements in Bitcoin, the world’s leading cryptocurrency.


The recent Bitcoin halving event, which occurred on Saturday, April 20, saw a reduction in mining rewards from 6.25 BTC per block to 3.125 BTC per block. While this reduction might suggest decreased profitability for Bitcoin miners, historical precedent indicates otherwise. Previous halving events have coincided with market-wide bull runs, driven by a combination of reduced supply and sustained demand for Bitcoin.

Despite the halving, demand for Bitcoin remains robust, particularly in light of increased institutional interest fueled by the approval of eleven US spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) earlier this year. 

The reduction in Bitcoin’s available supply, coupled with ongoing demand, has historically resulted in price appreciation, creating favourable conditions for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Minetrix to thrive.

Bitcoin Minetrix distinguishes itself through its innovative approach to mining, leveraging Ethereum smart contracts to enable users to stake tokens and earn rewards through a staking protocol that facilitates real Bitcoin mining. 

The platform’s user-friendly interface and minimal entry requirements provide accessibility to individuals seeking exposure to Bitcoin mining without the need for specialised hardware or technical expertise.

During the presale phase, users have the opportunity to stake BTCMTX tokens to earn additional tokens, laying the groundwork for participation in the platform’s cloud mining activities once launched. 

Cloud mining credits, representing hash power, will be allocated to staking users, allowing them to contribute to the network’s mining efforts and earn BTC rewards.


By democratising access to mining capabilities, Bitcoin Minetrix aims to decentralise the mining landscape, shifting power away from centralised mining entities and empowering individual users to participate in the network’s operations. 

This commitment to decentralisation aligns with the fundamental ethos of cryptocurrency and reflects a broader trend toward democratising access to blockchain technology.

With just five days remaining in the presale, interested investors are encouraged to seize the opportunity to participate in Bitcoin Minetrix’s innovative approach to mining before the window closes. 

As the cryptocurrency market braces for potential post-halving rallies, Bitcoin Minetrix stands positioned to capitalise on evolving market dynamics and pave the way for greater inclusivity and decentralisation within the crypto mining ecosystem.


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