How Ghana’s Atunwa Digital connects content creators with advertisers via streaming


Ghana’s Atunwa Digital is providing audio and video streaming services to media companies and content creators, helping them bring their content online and connecting them with a global network of advertisers.

Launched five years ago by Mac Maison and Mamuna Oladipo, Atunwa Digital aims to reconcile media companies and content creators by providing reliable streaming services, ad-tech support, and comprehensive technical assistance. 

“Our mission is to bridge the gap between quality advertisers and targeted audiences. Additionally, we understand that a significant number of media companies and content creators across Africa require assistance in meeting these requirements and we are here to help,” said Maison.

In the realm of streaming and ad-tech services, numerous companies exist. But Maison said Atunwa Digital differentiates itself by “turning would-be competitors into long-term partners”. 

“We achieve this by prioritising investments in our product department and developing cutting-edge SaaS products tailored to the digital streaming industry. Moreover, we specialise in digital ad sales, further enhancing our value proposition. By focusing on collaboration and innovation, we continue to transform potential competitors into strategic partners,” he said.

Currently bootstrapped with financial support from advisors and equity partners, Atunwa Digital says its outreach efforts have yielded “exceptional results”, demonstrating a “tremendous level of interest” in its services. 

“The demand for our services has been overwhelmingly positive, reflecting the value and relevance we bring to our target audience,” Maison said.

Operational in its home market of Ghana, as well as Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, the United States (US), Rwanda, and Zimbabwe, Atunwa plans to expand into new markets across Sub-Saharan Africa.

“Our operational model is built on a revenue-sharing basis, where we derive revenue from the advertising we secure across various channels, including audio and video streams, websites, and mobile apps,” said Maison. “By monetising these platforms, we ensure a fair distribution of revenue and mutually beneficial partnerships with our clients.”


Passionate about the vibrant tech startups scene in Africa, Tom can usually be found sniffing out the continent's most exciting new companies and entrepreneurs, funding rounds and any other developments within the growing ecosystem.

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